two man working on a screen

Zurich Risk Advisor

Our risk management app enables you to understand and identify risks to your business, and learn how to improve your risk profile.

Zurich Risk Advisor has been developed to allow you to manage your risks across each of your locations. This unique digital application, which is constantly evolving, provides a comprehensive suite of easy-to-use, self-service risk management tools. Zurich Risk Advisor puts the insights of a professional Risk Engineer in your own hands.


Identifying and managing risk is made simple with this unique digital risk manager application – available for all, in multiple languages, on both iOS and Android.

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Why is risk assessment so important?

Exposure to risk impacts every aspect of your company. Zurich Risk Advisor is here to enable risk analysis and your entire risk management strategy, helping you to protect your assets, liability exposures and, ultimately, the business itself – and to safeguard the wellbeing of your workforce.

At Zurich, our aim is to help our customers understand and protect themselves from risk – and we believe this free risk management advisor app is a game-changer, because it empowers you to manage your risks, starting with self-assessment but, crucially, taking you through risk mitigation action, improvement, monitoring, and much more.

How to leverage a self-risk-assessment tool

Using each of the different tools within our risk management application, you can uncover the insights you need to identify, mitigate and reduce your risks. If you feel you want to go deeper than self risk assessment, simply connect with Zurich professionals who can carry out a remote digital risk assessment, with hazard identification, in locations where Zurich Risk Engineering has not been involved on the ground, for whatever reason. And there are tools for producing reports to share with stakeholders, for example on hazards and actionable risk insights, and support for key risk initiatives – allowing you to build resilience, make savings and, ultimately, secure future business continuity.

The suite of tools, includes

Risk Snapshot

For quick understanding & actions

Self Risk Assessment

with Risk Grading & more

Risk Improvement Ideas

from your selection

Manage Your Risk Improvement Actions

What If

enabling you to prioritize those actions

Remote Collaborations

with a Risk Engineer

Zurich Hazard Analysis

for documenting risk analysis outcome

Why is risk assessment so important?

Users of the Zurich Risk Advisor application enjoy a virtuous circle of ongoing improvement.

zurich risk advisor infographic

Conduct your own business risk assessment

Identify & understand your risk exposure in full

Access & apply Zurich risk-grading methodology

Produce & share reports with key stakeholders

Apply mitigation strategy & monitor effectiveness

Revisit Zurich Risk Advisor for weekly safety tips

Risk assessment benefits

Further unique features across each risk manager tool within the app:

All tools are designed for ease of use, including multiple-choice insurance risk assessment questionnaires, where you simply select the answers that best fit your current standard. Similarly organized in simple steps are risk management advice tools for accessing suggested improvement actions, predicting their impact, prioritizing, and monitoring their effectiveness, producing reports, and more.

You can conduct an on-site or remote risk assessment, using the same categories as a Zurich Risk Engineer – or arrange Remote Collaborations to work through the process with one of them. From a generated list, you can then choose the risk improvement ideas that suit you best. And you can rapidly produce reports to help demonstrate and improve your liability risks, and defense in the event of a claim.

As a user of the Zurich Risk Advisor app*, you have the option to connect and share all your self risk assessment and management data with us, and consequently access it, visualized through your regular use of the My Zurich portal. You will also be able to provide feedback on the progress of your risk improvement action program easily, through the application itself, allowing constant, ongoing risk monitoring.

*Please note, Zurich customers who use MyZurich should use their credentials for the app too, so that reports can be shared with Zurich and displayed via the portal. To learn more about MyZurich, please click here.

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