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Zurich Global Program Support (GPS) Tool

The Zurich GPS tool is your global guide for international insurance program structuring, putting a world of insight at your fingertips.

Zurich GPS Tool

Zurich GPS Tool is a key tool for customers who operate worldwide, and for the brokers who support them with insurance program structuring. It simplifies the process of putting together international programs, enabling the monitoring of regulation globally as it continually evolves, and helping businesses across multiple industries to ensure alignment with all laws and their out-of-territory insurer tax obligations.

Access to Zurich GPS Tool via My Zurich

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  2. If you do not have access to My Zurich, please click the "Sign Up" button, enter your business email address and use this code: xnaiwmhk
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Should you have any questions, send us an email.

One of the most comprehensive tools of its kind, Zurich GPS Tool provides:

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Instant access to key insights
- all the relevant, most in-depth information you need to put in place the right protections for your people, plant and premises, wherever in the world they may be.

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intuitive functionality with a dashboard-style interface and display, which responds to exposure-related questions with recommendations based on the latest data.

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A guided-solution view
to cut the complexity of the structuring process and ensure you have a clear visualization of your program, allowing for rapid response to regulatory and tax enquiries.

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Not only more comprehensive
truly worldwide information – including in-depth territorial data – but more effective leveraging of that information to enable immediate identification of any potential gaps and issues.

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My Zurich accessibility
for touch-of-a-button convenience. So, customers and brokers can easily structure even the most complicated portfolios, with helpful draft-saving and secure sharing functions.

My Zurich

Among the most comprehensive tools of its kind, Zurich GPS Tool provides:

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Protection for your people, plant and premises

where your business crosses international borders. By providing you with instant access to all the relevant most in-depth and up-to-date information you need, Zurich GPS Tool enables you to put the right insurance safeguards in place.

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Intuitive functionality

via a user-friendly interface and display to conveniently present key insights - and respond to your exposure-related questions with data-driven recommendations. This guided-solution view helps you monitor and achieve alignment with insurance regulatory law and out-of-territory insurer tax obligations.

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Clear visualization of your program

with fully representative graphics. Such clarity of oversight allows you to act and respond rapidly to regulatory and tax enquiries, more effectively leveraging information that is also more comprehensive with a truly worldwide reach, and with in-depth territorial data.

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My Zurich

accessibility bringing touch-of-a-button convenience. For both brokers - who can structure clients' portfolios based on constantly updated information, enjoying draft-saving functionality - and customers, who can have confidence in sustainable solutions and future business planning.

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A unique look and feel

for greater ease of understanding. Crucially, adherence with local laws, standards and compliance frameworks, ever-evolving regulation and legislation is kept simple, with clear identification and flagging of potential gaps and issues.

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The reason Zurich GPS Tool is such a fundamental resource

is that insurance regulation remains essentially local, while business is ever more global. Your essential companion to insurance structuring, Zurich GPS Tool puts you in control, offering total transparency of the potential issues, providing insights and recommending solutions in ways that support all parties involved.

The reason Zurich GPS Tool is such a fundamental resource is that insurance regulation remains essentially local, while business is ever more global. Your essential companion to insurance structuring, Zurich GPS Tool puts you in control, offering total transparency of the potential issues, providing insights and recommending solutions in ways that support all parties involved.

Zurich GPS Tool provides the confidence you need for future business planning, taking the uncertainty and complexity out of sustainable insurance solution decision-making, so you can manage risk and protect your business. Watch this short video for more on the tool’s guided-solution functionality:

people in a meeting room

Why choose Zurich

When you choose an insurer to protect your business, you'll want to be confident that you're making the right decision. Here's why we believe we're the best choice to keep your business and your employees secure in today's uncertain world.

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Contact us

Should you have any questions or need further information please reach out to your local Zurich contact or your broker.

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