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Welcome to NEXT.

NEXT is a grassroots movement within Zurich promoting intergenerational dialogue. Our goal is to give a voice to new generations to future-proof Zurich Insurance Group (Zurich or Group) with regards to its role as a service provider, employer, and corporate citizen.

NEXT Strategy

The NEXT strategy focuses on three key pillars - Voice, Connection, and Social Innovation:

Advocating for the NextGen to have a voice in key Zurich business decisions which will shape our company’s future and create intergenerational dialogue.

  • AskNEXT offers direct access to Zurich’s NEXT community for feedback and insights on specific projects, products, and ideas
    logo AskNEXT
  • NEXTChange provides a way for different generations to engage in meaningful conversations and learn from one another through a cross-mentoring program
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  • NEXTViews aims to invite members of NEXT to have a seat at the table in existing leadership forums across the company
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Future-proofing Corporations Through Intrapreneurship

Future-proofing corporations through intrapreneurship: How employees at large companies can drive change. Grassroots!

Today’s world faces increasingly complex problems. Environmental challenges. Unhealthy patterns of producing and consuming food. AI and automation creating job insecurity. Rising burnouts. Unequal access to education and opportunity. Societal tensions. A cry for more inclusion. With these challenges, the world needs “all hands on deck” to solve our problems and move to a healthier, happier, more equitable, and more sustainable future.

Large corporations often pride themselves on employing the best and brightest people within their ranks. Senior leaders set bold purpose statements and strategies, linked to tackling some of these global challenges. Such organizations know they must innovate, evolve and grow to stay relevant to their customers, employees, and society. The changing expectations of these groups demand it.

Sounds daunting, doesn’t it? But the good news is these companies often already have everything they need. The trick is to think differently about the true role employees can play in shaping the future of their company, changing it from within.

At Zurich, we launched an intrapreneurial grassroots movement to do just that. To give a voice to our people, encourage intergenerational dialogue, spark connections, and actively contribute to building a better future together – not just for our company, but for the communities in which we operate.

NEXT, an intrapreneurial grassroots movement at Zurich, evolved within its first two years from 12 founding members with a passion for intergenerational dialogue and connection, sharing best practices, social innovation and future-proofing our company, to a community of over 1’600 employees with a global steering group and 9 local hubs across 5 continents.

NEXT is just getting started, but we’re already seeing the beginnings of a cultural evolution at Zurich and beyond:

  • Creating a more inclusive conversation: Starting a global internal dialogue, we’ve seen a focus on hearing from newer generations (the “NextGen”) expand across the Group. This has transformed into creating an intergenerational conversation about the issues that matter
  • Securing more seats at the table: Through our advocacy, we’ve seen NextGen appointees to key decision bodies at which they didn’t previously have a presence. Bringing in diverse views and perspectives, this changes the conversation in the rooms where things happen
  • Driving awareness of issues that matter: We designed and held a Virtual Summit with panel sessions focused on key future-focused topics such as the “Future of Earth”, “Future of Corporate Social Innovation” and “Future of Work.” With over 1000 signups, we sparked wide-ranging future-focused discussion across the company
  • Directly supporting social impact: Together with the Z Zurich Foundation, a charitable foundation established by Zurich Insurance Company Ltd and Zurich Life Insurance Company Ltd, we partnered to directly impact the lives of 12 social entrepreneurs, securing grants totaling over CHF 100,000 for their community programs and indirectly impacting the lives of hundreds of people across the globe. Linked to this, we’ve brought awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals to our colleagues, opening up broader perspectives on what’s possible and necessary to protect future generations
  • Facilitating local impact: Our movement expanded from a purely global conversation to a very local one, with 9 local “hubs” forming and launching targeted, impactful initiatives in their countries
  • Inspiring other companies: We spearheaded several initiatives to collaborate with counterparts outside of Zurich, helping similar movements form in other corporates

Three of the 12 founding members of NEXT have written a white paper to capture our journey and the lessons we learned along the way. We hope that in doing so, we’ll encourage our colleagues to continue the momentum while inspiring others to carry the torch at their own companies. To everyone interested outside of Zurich, we encourage you to take a look and get started.

For it is only if we do this at scale that we truly change the face of business – creating a more inclusive, in touch and sustainable business world for ourselves and future generations.

two people looking at a tablet together

NEXT Virtual Summit 2021

The NEXT Virtual Summit took place in November 2021, where we brought changemakers, entrepreneurs, and Zurich experts together to share insights and inspiration around the role generations can play in solving the major challenges of our time. Topics such as Next Generation of Work (and Economy), Next Generation of Earth and Climate and Next Generation of Society and Social Innovation were at the center of our Virtual Summit events. Click here to view session recordings from the 2021 Summit.