Regional risks for doing business 2018 report

Global risksReportNovember 12, 2018

From unemployment to growing cyber risk: business executives in different regions have different worries

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There are significant differences in risk perceptions across the eight regions covered in the World Economic Forum’s Regional Risks for Doing Business report, published in partnership with Zurich Insurance Group. Over 12,000 executives highlighted concerns ranging from the economic to the political, societal and technological. 

Unemployment, failure of national governance and energy price shocks were among the top worries of executives across various regions. Cyber-attacks is the number one risk in Europe, East Asia and the Pacific, and North America. This points to growing concerns about technological risks — cyber-attacks were the top risk in two regions according to the 2017 survey (North America, East Asia and the Pacific) and just one region in 2016 (North America). 

Failure of national governance ranked number one in Latin America and South Asia, highlighting the costs of political strains that have been evident in much of the world over recent years. In the energy-rich regions of Eurasia and Middle East and North Africa, energy price shocks were ranked as the top risk to doing business. Unemployment was perceived as the top risk for doing business in Sub-Saharan Africa, representing mostly the absence of demand in the region.

You can download the full report to find out more.