Global Risks 2020: Fewer options. No time left.

Global risksVideoJanuary 15, 2020

We can not wait for the fog of geopolitical and geoeconomic disorders to lift before addressing critical global challenges.

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The 2020 Global Risks Report highlights that in order to avoid extremely disruptive and painful times, we should not wait for the fog of geopolitical and geoeconomic disorders to lift before addressing critical global challenges. We have fewer options than before and no time left.

new balance of power infographic

Find out more in watching this new video on this year's report that particularly points to several areas of concern:

  • Climate change and the environment
  • Biodiversity: avoiding the sixth mass extinction
  • An unsettled and fragile world
  • The risk of a digital fragmentation
  • Health Systems Under New Pressures

environmental concerns infographic