windmills and forest

Zurich’s path to net-zero operations

Zurich aims for net-zero operational emissions by 2030, accelerating the Group’s previous 2050 target.

Our approach to net-zero operations

Our priority is to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e) emissions in the atmosphere, as we move towards our target to reduce absolute emissions of our own operations1 by 60 percent in 2025, by 70 percent in 20292 and finally to net-zero in 2030.

For our supply chain, our target is for 75 percent of our managed procurement spend3 to be with suppliers that have science-based targets4 to reduce emissions by 2025 and targets to reach net-zero5 by 2030.

A carbon dioxide-equivalent is used to measure and compare emissions from greenhouse gases based on how much they contribute to global warming. Metrics for CO2 equivalent show how much a particular gas would contribute to global warming if it were carbon dioxide.

We have already made significant progress in this respect and have a clear path to further reduction by, for example, increasing our usage of renewable electricity and electric vehicles, while also embracing hybrid working and travelling in a smarter way, for example by combining trips, taking less trips, using technology instead of in-person meetings requiring travel.

Even with deep and widespread cuts, we know that it will be impossible to reduce all emissions to zero in this timeframe. That’s why we will balance out our unavoidable residual emissions by funding projects that will remove carbon from the atmosphere for the long term. We will provide our funding by purchasing carbon removal certificates.

Our governance principles

We strive to lead by example, and this drives our approach to operational sustainability at Zurich Insurance Group (Zurich). To help accelerate reductions in emissions, enhance resilience to climate change and regenerate nature, we integrate sustainability considerations into our operational business processes.

Good governance principles are at the core of our approach to ensure that our own behavior reinforces our ambition to be recognized as one of the most responsible and impactful businesses in the world.

We are transparent

We have identified material environmental indicators, and publicly disclose our environmental data on an annual basis.

We are accountable

We set concrete emissions reduction targets. We have clear processes and requirements defined in our global operational sustainability management.

We continuously improve

Best practices constantly evolve. We regularly review our processes, ambition levels and priorities to ensure we stay on the leadership path.

Incredibly important to our approach is our spirit of collaboration. Internally, with our suppliers and other external engagements, we strive to bring together ideas and people to learn from one another and develop new initiatives and programs to enhance our sustainability efforts.

Since 2014, Zurich has implemented internal guidelines based on external guidance as provided by the ISO14001 Environmental Management System. These guidelines align with the expectations expressed by our shareholders, investors, customers, employees and corporate peers, who expect Zurich to demonstrate best practice in operational sustainability performance. Our approach to the management of sustainability risks and opportunities in Zurich’s operations is further explained in Zurich's approach to operational sustainability file.

Additional goals and ambitions


In 2019, Zurich announced its commitment to purchase 100 percent renewable power across all operations by the end of 2022 (Achieved)6 and joined the RE100 initiative7.


In 2020, we joined the EV100 initiative,8 committing to transition our global car fleet to 100 percent electric vehicles by 2029.

Sustainable food

In 2021, we set the ambition to develop and implement a global sustainable food program for restaurants9 on our premises by the end of 2022. (Achieved)

Sustainable buildings

In 2021, we set the ambition to develop and implement a global sustainable buildings program for 50 office locations by the end of 2022. (Achieved)

Car fleet acceleration

In 2021, we set the ambition to eliminate pure internal combustion engines in our fleet by 2025, leaving only hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and battery electric.10

Air travel

In 2021, we set the ambition to permanently reduce air travel emissions by 70 percent compared to 2019 levels, starting in 2022.


In 2021, we set the ambition to digitize customer communications.11

Click here for an update on Zurich’s goals and ambitions


Key sustainable operations programs

In 2021, we launched an internal carbon fund to support our carbon-neutrality commitment and to support innovative solutions to drive down emissions from operations, as well as other sources of emissions related to our business. Employees can apply for grants from the fund to implement carbon reduction initiatives locally. The carbon fund value is calculated based on emissions performance multiplied by an internal carbon fee.

The carbon removal market is the key to meeting net-zero commitments, once science-based targets for reducing emissions have been met. We recognize the need for urgent action to help accelerate carbon removal market growth and aim to inspire other companies to take similar action by supporting emerging solutions and being transparent about our approach.

We have been operating as a carbon-neutral business since 201412. As part of our carbon neutrality commitment, our first priority is to reduce emissions and only then offset the remaining emissions. We work with a high-quality offsetting project in Indonesia. The project, which was the first REDD+ project in the world to be audited for the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) compliance, was confirmed to contribute to all 17 UN SDGs through its investment in local communities, nature and wildlife.

Zurich’s sustainable sourcing program leverages our spending power to influence positive change among our suppliers. We expect our suppliers to reflect our environmental, social and ethical values.

As a data-led company, an important lever to focus on is the environmental impact from our information technology (IT). Our main focus areas cover our data usage at our own strategic data centers and through our cloud services, electronic waste (e-waste) and using technology to reduce business travel. As of 2022, Zurich sources 100 percent renewable power at our strategic data centers.

Overview of operational emissions targets and results

In 2023, Zurich’s operational emissions increased 9 percent compared to 2022, which was anticipated given increased in-person support for our customers and colleagues. The minimal increase demonstrates that our focus remains on continuing the behaviors that supported emissions reductions achieved during the pandemic, learning from our experiences working virtually, while staying focused on our medium-term emissions reduction targets and successfully meeting business objectives.

While we maintain our ambition to keep air travel emissions 70 percent below 2019 levels in the long run, prioritizing the needs of our customers and partners has resulted in a 66 percent reduction for air travel emissions in 2023 when compared to 2019 levels. We are watching developments in the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) market to understand if, in the future, we can supplement minor shortfalls to our ambition with SAF purchases. We continue to make progress towards emissions reductions in our car fleet as we work towards our goal to fully electrify our car fleet by 2029, per our EV100 commitment.

Absolute carbon emissions coming from our own operations1

The table below varies slightly from the results reported in the 2023 Sustainability Report, as initial estimates have been replaced with complete and final data.


2019 baseline






2025 target

2029 target

Total emissions (metric tons CO2e)







60% reduction

70% reduction

Scope 1 + Scope 2 (metric tons CO2e)







62% reduction

80% reduction

Scope 3 (metric tons CO2e)







60% reduction

67% reduction

Reporting methodology – key facts

  • Zurich’s environmental reporting methodology follows the GRI Standard, which is based on the requirements of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Accounting Standards. In line with the guidance provided by these standards, we comply with mandatory Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions reporting and include Scope 3 emissions where we have determined the sources to be material, where we have the ability to report meaningful data, and where we have the ability to influence emissions reductions.
  • All data is reported in line with the calendar year January 1 through December 31.
  • For facilities (electricity and heating) and commuting data, extrapolations are used where no actual data is available, to ensure 100 percent coverage. Extrapolations are based on regional, global or country average intensity factors for electricity, heating, or commuting behavior (respectively).
  • For larger offices (greater than 250 headcounts), where waste data is not reported, an extrapolation is applied based on global average intensity factors.
  • In line with our approach to continuous improvement, we have improved data quality as follows:
    • Increased automation on the measurement of commutes to cover full year 2023 versus previous year where the automated measurement was limited to one quarter
    • Updated the methodologies for calculating estimation factors for rental cars, heating, waste, and electricity (for use where required activity data is missing)
    • Where business travel by rail is available, we now fully report actual distances provided by our central reporting tools, vs previous reliance on estimations based on trip records. We also closed further data gaps for small countries where rail travel data was previously missing
    • Increased quality controls on various data sets, for example, reverifying completeness of our fleet reporting and heating extrapolations
  • Applied emission factors were obtained mostly from GHG Protocol v.19.0 (4/2023), Defra v.12.0 (09/2023) and IEA v6.0 - (1/2024). Where specific emission factors were available (e.g., national rail factors), these were utilized consistently by data type and source.
  • Carbon offsets are not used to meet emissions reduction targets.

Verification of data

We are working to increase data transparency, quality and coverage of our environmental performance reporting. Zurich engages an external auditor to verify our operational environmental data published on this website. Data from 2021 onwards was verified at reasonable assurance level. The latest results and assurance statement on 2023 data is available here:

Download full 2023 results
Assurance statement 2023

1 Cover-More, Farmers Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries, joint ventures and third party vendors are out of scope. Data in the table shown as metric tons of CO2e.
2 The 2025 and 2029 targets for our own operations are against a 2019 baseline.
3 Managed procurement spend means the spend of approximately USD 2 billion annually managed by Zurich's Procurement and Vendor Management function on goods and services that are required to enable Zurich to maintain and develop its operations.
4 We consider a supplier to have science-based targets when their emission reduction targets are approved by the SBTi, a similar scientifically accredited body or otherwise require a reduction of at least 42 percent in Scope 1 and 2 emissions.
5 We consider a supplier to have net-zero targets when their net-zero target is approved by the SBTi, a similar scientifically accredited body or otherwise has a public target to neutralize any residual Scope 1 and 2 emissions.
6 Where our offices cannot align with RE100 technical criteria we have sourced certificates from adjacent markets in Qatar, Bahrain and Ecuador. We are looking for the best solution in Bermuda although the load is small and falls under the RE100 materiality threshold. We procured renewable electricity to match our global office electricity demand and sourced 99 percent compliant with the RE100 technical criteria. Power consumption in data centers is reported under Scope 3, and is not included in the RE100 commitment. However we have strived to closely align with RE100 technical criteria, with the exception of our Singapore data center, for which we have purchased Malaysian I-RECs.
7 RE100 is a global leadership initiative bringing together influential businesses committed to 100 percent renewable electricity.
8 EV100 is a global leadership initiative bringing together influential businesses committed to accelerating the transition to electric vehicles which includes battery electric vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and plug-in hybrid vehicles.
9 Full-scale restaurants include where Zurich is the contracting party to the catering provider, a complete kitchen is onsite, and hot meals are prepared and served. This includes seven restaurants in five countries which service approximately 25 percent of our employees.
10 By 2029 non-plugin hybrids will also be eliminated, in line with our EV100 commitment.
11 Subject to regulatory requirements; customers may continue to opt in to paper-based communications, according to their preferences.
12 Cover-More, Farmers Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries, joint ventures and third party vendors are out of scope of this commitment.
14 DEFRA emissions factors for air travel have not been updated to reflect the 2023 revision considering DEFRA’s application of 2021 load factors in their most recent calculations. This would have inflated air emissions by an estimated 20 percent and would not reflect an accurate view of Zurich’s travel activity.