Quai Zurich Campus

The Quai Zurich Campus

Ready for the future

Quai Zurich Campus is our global headquarter at Mythenquai, Zurich, which we have proudly called home for more than 120 years.

We have a long, rich history here, built on a great partnership with the city of Zurich. The site’s redevelopment brings together heritage properties and state-of-the-art new buildings to reflect the evolving nature of our company. Quai Zurich Campus provides Zurich employees, customers and visitors with a modern and inspiring environment that fosters creativity. It supports new ways of working and a people-centric culture with purpose-built spaces for collaboration, innovation and customer insights. It supports our mission to transform insurance while preserving our heritage and values. We are delighted that the development supports the city’s 2000-Watt-Society vision for an environmentally sustainable future and that it has received the LEED Platinum as well as the WELL Platinum certification.


At Zurich, we want to be known as one of the most responsible and impactful businesses in the world. Our new headquarters has been built in a way that minimizes our environmental footprint while enabling employees to thrive in a state-of-the-art workplace. It is built to the highest sustainability standards - contributing to the city of Zurich’s official energy reduction goal: By 2050, the city aims to bring down the average consumption of primary energy from 6,000 to 2,000 watts per person.

Read more about Zurich’s sustainability policy

  • Quai Zurich Campus contributes toward our commitment to the Paris Agreement and the UN Global Compact Business Ambition Pledge aiming to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C
  • Lake water is used for heating and cooling. No use of fossil fuel in the building
  • Photovoltaic systems on roof surfaces and remaining electricity from 100% renewable sources
  • Electric vehicle charging stations
  • Rain water captured, stored and used for sanitary systems
Photo of the new Head Office from 1901

History and heritage

Quai Zurich Campus brings together our rich history and vision for the future. Here’s how our company and headquarters originated and developed over time.

Find out more about our history

Video clips

To view more videos about the Quai Zurich Campus, please visit our video archive page by clicking the button below.

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Photos of the Quai Zurich Campus

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